

My toilet bombs

Shopping list 250g Citric acid 250g Baking soda 20 drops lemon EO 10 drops peppermint EO 125g cornstarch or Maïzena Your essential utensils 1 water sprayer 1 ice cube tray 1 scrubbing sponge Your preparation In a bowl, mix the…

My dishwasher tablets

Shopping list 60g Soda crystals 60g Citric acid 60g Baking soda 60g coarse salt 20 drops lemon EO Your essential utensils 1 ice cube tray 1 water sprayer Your preparation In a container, mix all the ingredients except the water…

My white stone

Shopping list 4 tbsp Blanc de Meudon 2 tablespoons Baking soda 1 tablespoon Black Soap 35 drops lavandin EO Your essential utensils 1 empty jar 1 scrubbing sponge Your preparation In the container, mix 4 tablespoons Blanc de Meudon, 2…

My washing powder

Shopping list 2 tablespoons Baking soda 2 tablespoons Soda crystals 3 tablespoons Marseille soap shavings 5 drops EO lavandin or tea tree Your essential utensils 1 empty jar 1 tablespoon Your preparation In the empty jar, mix :– 3 tablespoons…

Christmas window paint

The season of good resolutions begins now! We stop poisoning ourselves with artificial snow bombs and go green. 😉 All you need is water and Blanc de Meudon. Get yourself some brushes and sponges, and … all you have to…