Clean & natural
10 tips for 100% homemade spring cleaning !
Spring is a season of refreshment and revitalization, making it a good time to clean your home and the objects it contains. Here are 10 tips for maintaining your home with natural cleaning products.

Use Baking Soda to brighten up your oven:
Baking Soda a removes dirt from your oven. Sprinkle on dirty areas, then spray with water. For vertical walls, you can create a paste that can be left overnight before scrubbing with a sponge. A brand-new oven!

Use Terre de Sommières to neutralize unpleasant odors:
Terre de Sommières, a real ally against unpleasant odors. All you need to do is apply a small amount to surfaces that give off an unpleasant odor (litter box, ashtray…) and leave it to work, so that the odor dissipates.

Use Blanc de Meudon to give your lawn a boost:

Use Sorrel Salt to deoxidize metals:
Restoring shine to tarnished metals is simple thanks to the power of Sorrel Salt. Simply immerse an object in a mixture of Sorrel Salt and hot water for a few minutes, then rinse and dry. It will return to its original appearance.

Use Soda Crystals to clean the bottom of the toilet:

Use Citric Acid to remove limescale from your toilet:
Citric acid is an excellent descaling agent for cleaning and descaling toilets. 2 teaspoons, half a liter of lukewarm water and you’ve got a new toilet! (As an added bonus, it also removes moss from your terraces, which comes in handy as the weather gets warmer).

Use Percarbonate to clean your joints:
Percarbonate is a great partner for your bathroom seals. It easily removes dirt and revives the color of tarnished joints. Sprinkle your joints with percarbonate, brush with a small brush and remove the excess. That’s it!

Use 14° White Vinegar to remove tartar:
Vinegar is a natural product renowned for its effectiveness in removing limescale from electrical appliances such as kettles and coffee makers, as well as shower heads and taps.

Use Black Soap to clean your floor:
Black soap is a highly versatile product with many properties. It can be used as a degreaser for stoves and crockery, but it is best known for its effectiveness in making your floors silky smooth. Diluted in water, it cleans, degreases and shines your floor in a single pass. So your children can play safely on the floor.

Use Marseille soap to wash your sofa:
Marseille soap has its own little virtues that are still little-known. Dissolve a few pieces in lukewarm water, rub your chair in the direction of the fabric, iron with a cloth in clear water and dry. Now you’ve got a refreshed couch!
Spring cleaning can be effective and environmentally friendly thanks to the use of natural products. These simple tips and tricks will help you look after your home while preserving your health and that of the planet. Welcome Spring with a clean, bright interior!